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Comparium Pro Plan vs BrowserStack
Freelancer Plan

Most of BrowserStack’s service plans are overpriced whereas, in contrast, cheap plans are usually limited in functionality. Comparium Pro Plan, unlike BrowserStack Freelancer Plan, offers more features, therefore, helping small businesses or freelancers to test their web resources to the fullest.

Functionality missing in BrowserStack

Unlike BrowserStack, Comparium supports 3 modes of manual testing and one mode of automatic comparison of screenshots to facilitate your workflow.
Functionality missing in BrowserStack
Side by side


This mode allows inspecting two screenshots next to each other at the same time.


Screenshots are placed one over another. Incompatibilities are detected by changing the transparency of the upper layer.


In this mode one screenshot is covered by another. Differences are found by moving the slider cursor.
Find differences

Find differences

This mode allows detecting all incompatibilities automatically and highlighting them.

All-in-one solution for testing

Everything that you need for testing can be found in Comparium, as our team is constantly working on improving and updating our service. Benefit from all the features for a better testing experience.


Take screenshots of the tested web resource in a matter of minutes in a combination of different browsers, their versions and operating systems with no need to install them all on your computer.

Live testing tool

Real-time testing allows running tests of web resources in real browsers, on real devices and systems. Interact with tested resources via remote infrastructure and check their behavior and layout.


"Comparium will help you to monetize your website’s traffic. You could also fix the issues faced by the users of a different web browsers on different operating systems. It’s a must-use tool for every website owner."
"Yes, yes, yes! Love the product and the roadmap looks extremely promising. Wonderfully easy to use. Amazing. Keep it up."
"Comparium is a must-have tool for all the website developers as they need to test their websites on multiple platforms. It offers you a nice set of features using which you can test the compatibility and functionality of your website on any platform or web browser."
"This is great! Albeit, there's certainly plenty of ways or tools out there that one can use to "preview" their site on various OS's and devices.... but the interface here definitely feels the most logical and intuitive. With a just a few minor UI/UX tweaks here and there and I'd say you've got a winner. Especially with the "Synchronize Scroll" and "Find Differences" features. Nicely done!"